Royal Wedding Countdown (11 days): I Just Need a Good Hat?

The BIG Countdown!
7 days until I leave for London and 11 days and counting until the Royal Wedding.

Fascinators and Feathers.....
Now I'm not sure what the story is about the whole feathery, headdress fashion you see at special events in London?

I absolutely will be inquiring about this tradition during the many hours I will have to make small talk while camping out to get the best seats possible along the processional route for the Royal Wedding.  Such amazing hats, and fascinators (the comb or headband with sparkles and feathers on them) are available.

I don't know where the tradition came from, but I like it! I say more heads full of plumes and sparkles at American weddings!

Check out a few of these Kate has been spotted in....
Now, I'm off to go find my own hat for the Royal Wedding...I'm thinking colorful and big so you can spot me in the crowd! BUT where to find such a fanciful hat in Denver?????