Renegade Craft Fair Inspiration

A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of attending the Renegade Handmade Craft Fair when it blew through the windy city. Hundreds upon hundreds of handmade artists attended the fair, bringing with them sweet treats for the eye to oogle. 

While drifting from booth to booth, a few artists really grabbed my attention. "Wow, that would make a fantastic reception favor," I'd think. "Gasp! What a wonderful addition to a ceremony!" So, over the next few days, I'd love to share some of my craft fair favorites with all of you. Perhaps it will inspire you to create, talk about, or include in your special day.

Up first, shybutinterested. A bit about shybutinterested in their own words:

We're the girls behind Shy but Interested, Kara Schmidt and Meagan Bennett (a.k.a. Meggs Benedict). We're two crafty roommates who met at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where Kara studied illustration and graphic design and Meggs studied graphic design and metals and jewelry. Currently, we live in a cozy little apartment in Brooklyn, New York. We share a deep appreciation for all things handmade, and we apply our passion to projects ranging from customized invitations and stationery to party favors, holiday decorations, and even jewelry. 

And now, a few of my favorites from the girls' Etsy shop.

These handmade flag banners lined their booth and added so much fun color.