It seems like one of the latest wedding reception trends is to provide your guests with a delicious late night treat before they go home. Keep in mind they've been dancing fiends for several hours with maybe a drink of two in them (maybe just one or two?!?), so it's a nice time for you to get one more snack in there. It can be another fun detail to your stunning day and the last impression.
I know many people who are still enjoying the candy station for this idea....but there are so many creative (and inventive) things you can on!

Is there something that goes with the theme and feel of your wedding?
Do you and your honey have a favorite snack or tradition? Be sure to pull those fun details in to your day so that it really reflects you as a couple.
Did he propose at your favorite sushi restaurant, how about dessert sushi (all chocolate, rice krispie treats and candies made to look like real's deceivingly delicious!).
Every Friday night do you curl up on the couch for a movie date night and have ice cream? Ice cream sandwiches were served at the event below.
For my destination weddings, we see a lot of tapas, chips and salsa....anything to go with those margaritas!
Some of my favorite late night snack are ones that are interactive:
Ice cream stations with a selection of candy mix-ins...think Cold Stone/Marble Slab...delicious!
I also love the new high tech smores stations...or even the old-fashioned ones if your event is outside!
The following trend is HOT HOT HOT!
Caterers are playing around with the chemistry of food in a new trend called molecular catering. Now this isn't your old high school chemistry class gone's like Willy Wonka creations come to life! Caterers are using tools, and scientific techniques to transform food in to a completely different concoction and in to an amazing food experience. This hot trend allows caterers to get extremely creative and provides some serious razzle dazzle for your guests. This can be whatever your caterer comes up with...imagine a tiny foam puff ball that you pop in to your mouth and it "explodes" in to a fabulous bite of lemon pie (make sure your mouth is closed!), a shot glass with a clear liquid that reconstitutes into mint ice cream flavored chocolate crumbles, or a little sphere that looks like caviar but is mango flavored bites when it bursts. You'll be providing an experience for your guests that is as much uber cool art as it is a snack. Chefs have been doing amazing things (and it doesn't have to be limited to dessert...edible menus anyone?)
Usually you'll have fewer people there for the late night snack, so you won't need to provide the snack for your full guest count. You may also decide that you want to send all your guests off with a treat, set them out early so that everyone can partake. It will be their choice to eat it now or later. Most of these donut and frappuccinos didn't make it to the car!

Whatever memorable idea you decide on, your guests will enjoy that last little tidbit before the event ends. Enjoy!