(This is Part 1 of a 2 Part series on Color Palettes)
Selecting your wedding color palette can be a big decision, it will affect every aspect of your day!
Maybe you have a favorite color, or have just seen a great combo in one of the magazines you've picked up. Well if you're having a difficult time selecting a color here's a bit of help!
Color Trends
As a consultant I can't wait for the Pantone Reports to come out each year. They really give us a good indication of what the trends are going to be...usually for the following year. This year it seems to be all about adding bright pops of color in to your look! Select any of the following colors and you'll be setting the trends instead of following them!
If you're selecting colors for this spring and summer here are the hot colors!

The Fall Color Report (see the link to view all the colors in the report) has phenomenal colors that cover a broad spectrum.....American Beauty Red, Purple Heart, Burnt Sienna, Crème Brûlée, Honey Yellow (pair with Purple Heart for a fantastic flair or Burnt Sienna for a more Fall feel) , Nomad, Rapture Rose, Warm Olive, Majolica Blue, Majolica Blue, Iron (the new Black!).
For those of you still color challenged (said with love!) check out Part 2 of Color Trends for more in depth info on selecting colors!