Tips to Get a Lean Bridal Body!

Good news! Classic Creations' friend JJ Virgin, Celebrity Health and Nutrition Expert, is sharing her best insider secrets for losing weight and getting fit. If you don't know JJ, you really should. JJ is the secret weapon for helping celebrities (and us!) work for and maintain a rock star body.

The way you look and feel about yourself can directly impact your happiness, satisfaction with life, your loved ones, and even your success.

Tomorrow, July 8 at 2:00 p.m., JJ is hosting a free teleclass called "Revealed: My Top 5 Plateau Busters to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn Off That Fat!" If you can't make the call live, you can still get access to the call's recording - so be sure to register anyway.

Topics will include: How to take your inspired "Why" and use it to keep you motivated for the long haul, the top foods that could be making you hold onto false fat and cause cravings, how to dramatically improve your health and energy, how to turn up the volume on your workouts (hint, they should never get easier!), how to break out of the fitness and food ruts that hold you back, and new workouts, new veggies, and new recipes that you will love and can incorporate into your life right now.

To reserve your spot in this complimentary teleclass please click here.

See you on the call! Hopefully we all learn some helpful tips!