An Introduction!

I'm thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Classic Creations team, Laura Graham.

She'll be doing a bit of guest blogging, assisting with weddings, and just overall being fabulous! Welcome Laura!

From Laura:

Hello! I wanted to take this opportunity to virtually introduce myself – my name is Laura Graham… and I love weddings. I think this love stems from my realization that almost no other event receives the time, planning, and personalization a wedding does.

Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, I’m relatively new to everything Denver. Julie has been kind enough to show me the ins and outs of Colorado, and I couldn’t be more appreciative! I’m hoping to share my learning experiences, as well as things that inspire me, with all of you from time to time. And what better way to do it than through this spectacular blog?!

So, hi, it’s nice to meet you, and I'll see you again soon!