To some of you this may seem like such a basic thing....."hellooo Julie I know how to walk, I do it every day!" That may be true, but everyday are you wearing a stunning gown and have several hundred eyes watching your every move?
Don't worry, there are some basics to getting down the aisle in style:
-Put all those negative thoughts out of your mind about tripping, stumbling, fears of having people watch you, etc....I know it can be a little intimidating to have all those eyes on you. Just remember they are there to share in your happiness and so excited for you. Be sure to look down that aisle for your husband to be, he'll be beaming at you, and all your worries will be replaced by excitement.
-Here's the proper way to make your grand entrance. Your ladies have already started down the aisle, the moment arrives, the music changes, guests are asked to rise, it's your big moment! First things first, take a deep breath and relax! There's no need for the hesitation step (right together, left together, etc), a slow graceful walk will get you down the aisle in style. Be sure to select a song that has a good cadence...not too fast, not too slow.
-If you are a bit anxious I tell my brides to count backwards from 100 by threes, your mind can't process that and being nervous at the same time. By the time you get to 91 you may see your groom at the end of the aisle and forget that nervousness and everything else around you!
-Hold your bouquet down low. If you've ever watched a wedding movie, or one of those reality shows you'll see the bridesmaids and bride either carrying them right in front of their chest (hello...it's hiding all the beautiful beadwork on your gown!), out to the side in mid-air like a torch, or they get a little nervous and so as they start down the aisle it sneaks up, higher and higher until it's right under their chin and it looks like they're eating their flowers! So here's how to keep from looking like you're snacking on your bouquet. You probably will be holding on to your escort for support (and maybe to keep you from running down the aisle to your dashing groom) so you will hold your bouquet with one hand. As you hold the bouquet, take the thumb of the hand holding the bouquet and place it just a few inches below your belly button and hold it there. It gives you something to focus on as you walk. Tell this tip to your bridesmaids as well and you all will look consistent and fabulous as you walk down the aisle.
-Remember to not hold the bouquet against your dress, the stems may still be wet or the pollen may fall off and stain it.
-Take your time. You only get to do this once, so enjoy every moment.